Parish News
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO DONATED TO THIS YEAR'S "MITTEN TREE!" The donations were overwhelming! So many items (and monies) were collected. Your generosity allowed Christ Church to donate18 new coats, 30 hats (some were hand knit), 27 pair of mittens/gloves, and 8 pair of new boots! Ms. Mary Wyman from Springfield Public School District #186 was beyond thankful! In fact, she commented that she remembered last year's donation from CHRIST CHURCH! Because of YOU, there are lots of kiddos (and adults) out there with new winter clothing, warming . . . hands, feet, heads, and HEARTS!
United Thank Offering Fall Ingathering
During the month of November, Christ Church participates in the United Thank Offering Fall Ingathering. Please consider contributing to this valuable mission. You can drop your donation in the collection plate on your way to Holy Communion, mail your check to the church at 611 E. Jackson Street Springfield, IL 62701, or drop it in the mail slot on the Jackson Street side of the church. If you have any questions, please call Christine in the church office. (217.523.1871) Your generosity is beyond appreciated! Checks can be made payable to: EPISCOPAL CHURCHWOMEN, DIOCESE OF SPRINGFIELD Please note UTO in the memo line of your check.